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Alice’s Adventures İn Wonderland (Stage 3) CD’li

Kategori: Eğitim Yazar: Lewis Carroll Yayınevi: Mk Publications

Alice’s Adventures İn Wonderland (Stage 3) CD’li

    Tanıtım Bülteni
    One hot day Alice decides to go to the riverbank. There seems to be nothing out of the ordinary. Soon Alice begins to get bored increasingly. All of a sudden, a white rabbit runs past her quickly, looking at a pocket watch. Alice follows the rabbit down the hole without thinking twice. And the next moment she finds herself in the mysterious world of Wonderland, where everything happens in the most extraordinary way.In Wonderland, every minute is a part of the great adventure. Alice changes her size, talks to fairytale beasts, takes part in the crazy tea-party, plays the weirdest croquet ever… But will she find a border between absurdity and reality? And will she ever get out of Wonderland back home again?    Get ready for the most unusual adventures with Alice in Wonderland, where your heart will burn with curiosity and admiration …
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